The Cat’s Meow is a cat adoption center located in Anacortes. Established in 2004, we care for up to 60-70 cats and kittens in residence at the center on any given day. The Cat’s Meow is a unique, homelike setting where the cats live in light-filled living rooms rather than cages. We provide excellent medical care and only euthanize cats who are suffering from terminal illnesses or injuries. We believe in treating each cat with love and respect and work to keep their environment as stress-free and comfortable as possible.
We are seeking a part-time Kitty Caregiver to join our team. This position is responsible for providing daily care for our kitty residents and making sure their stay with us is as happy as possible.
Saturday and Sunday, 7 a.m. to Noon (10 hours per week). Holidays included.
You are responsible for all aspects of keeping the center clean and well organized. This includes: cleaning walls, windows and other surfaces; changing linens; scooping and cleaning litter boxes; restocking supply cabinets; vacuuming and mopping floors; and keeping food and other supplies well organized and laundry. Occasional outdoor maintenance includes: weeding garden beds; sweeping and cleaning the front porch; and cleaning outdoor kennels and sanctuary areas. The center must be clean and well-kept at all times.
As the primary caregiver for the cats and kittens in the center, you are responsible for their daily care. This may include providing fresh food and water; brushing matted fur and trimming nails; monitoring the cats for changes in health or behavior; monitoring dynamics between cats and other tasks as necessary. You may occasionally need to handle a difficult cat, so it’s important that you are not afraid of cats. We will train you on how to handle cats that may be fearful or aggressive.
This job is not just about cleaning. We are responsible for the emotional well-being of the cats in our care. It's very important that you are a calm and compassionate person who enjoys interacting with the cats and looking after them.
At least 18 years old
Calm and compassionate personality
Belief in our mission of cat rescue and adoption
Positive, professional attitude
Excellent communication skills
Organized, with attention to detail
Able to work independently as well as in a team
Must have a driver's license and your own transportation to and from work
This job requires intensive cleaning and is physically demanding. You must be able to lift 40 pounds. You must be able to bend, stoop and kneel and you’ll be going up and down stairs frequently.
You must be reliable. The Cat’s Meow is a small organization and we will be counting on you to be at work on time and on your scheduled days.
Our Kitty Caregivers wear scrub tops with jeans. We'll provide an allowance in your first check to cover these items.
$17 per hour